Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to the first Sunday Bilingual News of the New Year! We hope you enjoyed a nice New Year’s night with your family and/or friends.

¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos al primer Sunday Bilingual News del Nuevo Año! Nosotros esperamos que ustedes hayan disfrutado una agradable noche de Año Nuevo con sus familias y/o amigos.

The last week of 2009 was not a good week to end the first decade of the New Millennium, but it was a realistic picture of ten years of horror, confusion, misunderstanding, and crucial issues that will mark also the next years and maybe the next decade.

La última semana del 2009 no fue una buena semana para finalizar la primera década del Nuevo Milenio, pero fue una pintura realista de diez años de horror, confusión, malentendidos, y de cruciales cuestiones que marcarán también a los próximos años y tal vez a la próxima década.

During all the week, the incident aboard a Northwest Airlines-Delta flight in Detroit on December 25th was analyzed by the geniuses expert and non-expert in terrorism that believe we can protect ourselves from the devils only with screening technologies including the profiling and the assistance of the God-Technology.

Durante toda la semana, el incidente abordo del vuelo de Northwest Airlines-Delta en Detroit el 25 de diciembre fue analizado por los genios expertos y no expertos en terrorismo que creen que nosotros podemos protegernos a nosotros mismos de los demonios solamente con tecnologías de exploración incluyendo la generación y aplicación de perfiles y la asistencia del Dios Tecnología.

God-Technology is not omnipotent

Dios Tecnología no es omnipotente

Till now, after nearly ten years from September 11, 2001, we haven’t learned the mutant tactics of the terrorists. We continue thinking with the all-fashioned mentality of the Cold War creating "walls" and "curtains" to hold off all the devils and threats. We have to realize we improved a lot our security during the last years, but we can’t sleep or walk and hope the "tech-angels" will protect us night and day.

Hasta ahora, después de casi diez años del 11 de Septiembre del 2001, no hemos aprendido las tácticas mutantes de los terroristas. Continuamos pensando con la vieja mentalidad de la Guerra Fría creando “muros” o “cortinas” que mantenga afuera a los demonios y amenazas. Tenemos que darnos cuenta que si bien hemos mejorado mucho nuestra seguridad durante los últimos años, no podemos dormir o caminar y esperar que los “ángeles de la tecnología” nos van a proteger noche y día.

We have to understand new screening technologies that will scrutinize the privacy of all passengers who board a flight is only a security function, and sometimes "a pure security theather". The devils will find other ways to pack explosive and bombs from the sight of the body screening machines while we are sleeping peacefully dreaming that resources of God-Technology are enough to stop the actions of the Islamic extremism or other similar groups.

Tenemos que entender que las tecnologías de exploración que van a escudriñar la intimidad de todos los pasajeros que abordan un vuelo son sólo una función de seguridad, y a veces "puro teatro de seguridad". Los demonios van a encontrar otras maneras de empaquetar explosivos y bombas fuera de la vista de las máquinas de exploración del cuerpo mientras nosotros durmiremos pacíficamente soñando que los recursos del Dios Tecnología son suficientes para detener las acciones del extremismo islámico o de otros grupos similares.

It is true, that technology could help as a tool, however more than body screening machines we need smart database systems and clever operators who don’t sleep in front of their computers when the alarms sound.

Es verdad que la tecnología puede ayudar como una herramienta, sin embargo más que máquinas para explorar el cuerpo humano necesitamos sistemas de bases de datos inteligentes y operadores listos que no se duerman frente a sus computadores cuando las alarmas suenan.

As somebody said during the last few days, all the money we expend in sophisticated airport tools will be trash very soon if we don’t change our mentality and our leaders don’t master and understand the "modus operanti" ” of the terrorist organizations.

Así como alguien dijo durante los últimos días, todo el dinero que gastamos en herramientas complejas de los aeropuertos serán basura muy pronto si nosotros no cambiamos nuestra mentalidad y si nuestros líderes no aprenden a fondo y entienden el “modo operante” de las organizaciones terroristas.

In addition, we have to realize that risks will continue through airports, ships, Internet communications, or other paths we never before expected they would be holes in our security systems.

Además, tenemos que darnos cuenta que los riesgos continuarán a través de aeropuertos, barcos, comunicaciones de Internet, y otros caminos que nunca hasta ahora esperábamos que podrían ser agujeros de nuestros sistemas de seguridad.

We have to learn to live surrounded by different threats, but acting with intelligence every time the circumstances request initiative. This is the new challenge of all the free-citizens of the world today.

Nosotros tenemos que aprender a vivir rodeados de diferentes amenazas, pero actuando con inteligencia cada vez que las circunstancias requieren iniciativa. Este es el nuevo desafío de todos los ciudadanos libres del mundo ahora.

And remember, Yemen will be a new headache because the Yemenis have a fragile government and they are in a strategic location to host and train terrorists from all countries. Another threat will be Iran with a lot of nuclear ambitions and a political regime that has lost its legitimacy.

Y recuerden, Yemen será un nuevo dolor de cabeza debido a que los yemenitas tienen un gobierno frágil y ellos están en una localización estratégica para hospedar y entrenar terroristas de todos los países. Otra amenaza será Irán con muchas ambiciones nucleares y con un régimen político que ha perdido su legitimidad.

Despite this dark panorama, what are your New Year’s resolutions? What would you like to see happen in your own lives, in the country and in the world in the New Year?

A pesar del oscuro panorama, ¿Cuáles son vuestras resoluciones de Año Nuevo? ¿Qué les gustaría ver que pase en vuestras propias vidas, en el país y en el mundo en el Nuevo Año?

New Year’s Resolutions

Resoluciones de Año Nuevo

We think, first of all, we need to solve our economic problems with real job opportunities, and we need to heal our social wounds. Beyond all these crucial issues, we have also to rethink our world as the world is.

Nosotros pensamos, primero que todo, que necesitamos resolver nuestros problemas económicos con oportunidades reales de trabajo, y necesitamos curar nuestras heridas sociales. Más allá de estos decisivos asuntos, tenemos que repensar a nuestro mundo tal como el mundo es.

We can not wait for a new Roman Empire collapse. We have to act before the debris of the Western Civilization hit our heads and destroy our lives forever. And we do not have to react with childish attitude, overwrought from hysteria or ingenuousness. Also we have to remember the God-Technology is not an omnipotent God.

Nosotros no podemos esperar un nuevo derrumbe del Imperio Romano. Tenemos que actuar antes que los escombros de la Civilización Occidental golpeé sobre nuestras cabezas y destruya nuestras vidas para siempre. Y no debemos actuar con una actitud pueril, alterados por la histeria o ingenuamente. Debemos además recordar que el Dios Tecnología no es un dios omnipotente.

All the best,


Dr. Domingo A. Trassens
Always, my virtual doors are opened for you at my e-mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1. Could you like to describe the worst news for the last week from your point of view?
1. ¿Podría describir cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana desde vuestro punto de vista?

2. And what was the best news from the last week?
2. ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?

3. Please, share your New Year’s resolutions with the other members of the Club.
3. Por favor, compartan sus resoluciones para el Nuevo Año con los otros miembros del Club

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- beyond = más allá de
- body = cuerpo
- childish = pueril
- curtain = cortina
- genius, geniuses = genio, genios
- horror = horror (In Spanish, always the “h” is silent)
- hysteria =
- ingenuousness = ingenuidad
- misunderstanding = malentendido, malentendidos
- mutant = mutante
- overwrought = alterado, alterados, sobreexitado, sobreexitados
- passenger, passengers = pasajero, pasajeros, pasajera, pasajeras
- privacy = intimidad
- security = seguridad
- screen = explorar, observar, investigar
- screening = exploración, rastreo
- scrutinize = escudriñar
- theater =
- threat, threats = amenaza, amenazas
- wall = muro, pared

- Iran =
- Iranian, Iranians = iraní, iraníes
- Millennium = Milenio
- Yemen = Yemen
- Yemeni = yemenita, yemení


Thanks Anne, Bev, Bob, Carl, George, Erika, Marcelo, Mary, Patty, Rich, Susy, Suzanne for your comments and interaction.

Yesterday morning we had a humorous dialogue with Bev:

I wrote: "Dear Friends: Good morning! Today is not a Florida classic day. This morning at 7.30 am when I went outside to walk I didn't see another human being. Only some frozen birds. No dogs, no runners... The temperature was approximately 40 F according to the radio. "

And Bev answered: “Domingo, I laughed when I read your message.
Do you know why? I said to myself: Why is Domingo out in the street alone, (with no people, dogs, or runners, only frozen birds) while everyone else is curled up in bed? Did you forget you are not in Jackson? As my sister says: “- Floridians are not afraid of storms and hurricanes, but just when little chill comes, everyone gets frightened. Bev”

Yemen: a strategic location to host and train terrorists...
More headaches for the years to come.


Erika said...

You are a sharp analyst. I never read something similar... Erika

Suzanne said...

My New Year's resolutions: 1)find a job linked with my profession, 2) practice more Spanish. Suzanne

Marcelo said...

Mis resoluciones para el Nuevo Anio: Terminar mis estudios de ingles y graduarle en el colegio. Marcelo

George said...

My New Year's resolutions are to be good father and a good teacher. My wife is waiting a baby. I am teaching maths to the children of the parish. George

Anne said...

Domingo, I like your writing but I couldn't write something similar. Thank you for your insight. Anne

Susy said...

Your analysis is impressive. I astonished for vision. Yesterday, you wrote about the Yemen's threats and now all the papers are talking also about Yemen. Are you a secret agent? Susy.

Patty said...

My New Year's resolution: To be a good grandmother. My daughter is waiting twins. Patty

Dan said...

My New Year's resolutions are: learn new languages and travel around the world, but I don't like to pass for the body screening machines. Today, you always have to show you are not a criminal. When my father was young, he traveled everywhere without all these new controls. Dan

Jim said...

My 2010's Resolution is not smoke more. Last year was the same... Jim

Rich said...

I think the new screening machines will help to the controls of the airports, but they are expensive. How many we will need to cover all the airports? Rich

Mary said...

My New Year's resolution is study medicine in the university. Mary

Tom said...

My New Year's resolutions: begin a new career, learn other languages, meet nice people. Tom

Fred said...

My New Year's resolutions: move to small city near the beach, buy a house, begin my own business. Fred

Donna said...

I appreciate your comments about the mutant actions of the terrorism. I remember when I lived in South America the different strategies the Tupamaros used in Uruguay to create panic. Donna

Frank said...

My New Year's resolutions: change my old car, travel across California, visit San Francisco and Stanford. Frank

Peter said...

After all the problems with the airport controls, I prefer to drive my own car. The problem is when the distance is long. Peter

Patty said...

I like to read the resolutions and comments of others. You learn more about the people. Patty

Rich said...

Internet helps us to express our thinking because nobody see our faces. We don't have fears to talk in fron the computer. Rich

Jose said...

Mis resoluciones para el 2010: Aprender mas ingles y graduarme en el colegio. Jose

Erika said...

I never make resolutions on New Year. My "New Year" is my birthday. In this day, I analyze my past year. After that, I write my resolutions for my New Year. Erika

Antony said...

I agree with Erika. The most important day for new resolutions is the birthday. Every year, I analyze my life during the last twelve months and I write my resolutions for my next year in an private notebook. Anthony

Joseph said...

Some persons use the New Year's resolutions only for fun. In my company the majority of the employees during the lunch comment their resolutions. Frequently, they are the same resolutions from a year ago: no smoke, no drink, make exercise... Joseph

Susy said...

Me too. I write a notebook with my resolutions, my thoughts, my feelings. This is my private diary, and I write my thoughts on New Year and in my birthday. Susy

Antony said...

About your last issue (God-Technology is not omnipotent), your arguments about the protection against the terrorism are very good arguments, but I don't believe the members of the Goverment think in the same way. In this country till now the politicians thinks in Green Areas, electronic walls or something similar. Thank you. Antony

Joseph said...

I agree with Antony. The politicians like the idea of big systems with body screening machines or something similar. The problem is we cannot put these machines in every airport of the world, for maybe capture one potential bad guy per year. Also it is possible the day a bad guy take an airplane to US in one remote airport, the machine doesn't work.. Did you think about this? Joseph

Rich said...

I like your warning about Yemen and Iran. We cannot send the prisoners from Guantanamo to Yemen, also in the possible case that some these prisoners were captured for mistake. Nobody in freedom will be quiet...Rich

Tom said...

But Iran is worse problem than Yemen. Russia and China will say: NO if we want to take a hard action against Iran. And China likes to make businesses with our enemies. Tom

Donna said...

Please, change the subject. No more war or terrorism. What is the best news of the last days? Maybe the new Nexus One. Donna

Lora said...

My New Year's resolutions are: learn MS-Excel and PowerPoint. I need these tools for my work. Lora Lawson

Arthur said...

I never write New Year's resolutions because after that I change my mind. Arthur

Anonymous said...


Please correct my Spanish wherever necessary. I want to learn the laguage. Thank you.

Creo que el terrorismo es una enfermedad que tiene dos componentes - un componente físico y también, un espiritual.

De la misma manera, que ponemos una gran cantidad de recursos en la lucha contra otras enfermedades como el cáncer y el H1N1, tendremos que estar preparados para enfrentar el problema con toda nuestra energía, tiempo y dinero.

Creo que la composición genética de los terroristas contiene el ADN, que los dirige a cometer actos violentos.

En el futuro, la tecnología nos permitirá determinar la propensión de una persona para cometer actos de terrorismo - en primer lugar el aspecto físico, y entonces lo espiritual.

A medida que aumenta el conocimiento científico, seremos capaces de predecir si un feto en el útero de una mujer eventualmente crecerá hasta ser un terrorista.

Piense en las consecuencias.

Los hechos científicos de hoy son las ficciones científicos de ayer.


Anonymous said...

I see where my English needs some corrections too. Sorry about that.