Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to the weekly communication from the Spanish-English Club with the analysis of the main subjects of the last few days in both languages: Spanish and English!
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la comunicación semanal del Spanish-English Club con el análisis de los principales temas de los últimos días en ambas lenguas: español e inglés!
Did you read the newspapers and/or watch TV during the last week? What are, from your perspective, the most important issues of the last seven days?
¿Leyeron los diarios y/o miraron televisión en la última semana? ¿Cuáles fueron, desde vuestra perspectiva, los más importantes asuntos de los últimos siete días?
We think this week was very complex and we cannot talk about all the news in details such as in other issues. Definitely, the Massachusetts election produced a big "earthquake" in the country. Of course, it was a different shaking that Haiti had two weeks ago. The people from Massachusetts talked for all the country and they said: "-We want real and effective changes in the domestic politics. We are angry for delays. We want a government who understands our needs and urgencies."
Nosotros pensamos que esta semana fue muy compleja y nosotros no podemos conversar de todas las noticias en detalle tales como en otros números. Definitivamente, la elección de Massachusetts produjo un gran "terremoto" en el país. Por supuesto, fue una diferente sacudida que la que Haití tuvo hace dos semanas. La gente de Massachusetts habló por todo el pais y ellos dijeron: "Nosotros queremos cambios reales y efectivos en la política interna. Estamos enojados por las demoras. Nosotros queremos un gobierno que entienda nuestras necesidades y urgencias."
During all the week, major corporations and banks linked with Wall Street published their reports of revenues and incomes from the quarter ended during the last days of December. IBM, Citibank, EBay, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Google, American Express, General Electric, McDonald and a lot of more discussed with the financial analysts of New York their results.
Durante toda la semana, las más importantes corporaciones y bancos vinculados con Wall Street publicaron sus informes de ventas e ingresos del trimestre cerrado en los últimos días de diciembre. IBM, Citibank, Ebay, Banco de América, Wells Fargo, Google, America Express, General Electric, McDonald y muchos más trataron con los analistas financieros de Nueva York sus resultados.
Wednesday was a terrible day for the White House. It was the first anniversary of President Obama assumed the administration of the country. It was not a day of celebrations. It was a day of hard critics because after 12 months of government, the unemployment continues in two digits and there are not clear signals of positive changes.
El miércoles fue un terrible día para la Casa Blanca. Fue el primer aniversario de cuando el Presidente Obama asumió la administración del país. No fue un día para celebraciones. Fue un día de duras críticas pues después de 12 meses de gobierno, el desempleo continúa en dos dígitos y no hay señales claras de cambios positivos.
The job problem and other economic factors produced a new shaking on Friday. Two new Democrat Senators said they will not vote for the confirmation of Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke's second term. People are angry because they don't find more coins in their pockets while the corporations are recovering from the collapse of 2008. And the President of the FED is a good target despite all his efforts to maintain the big icons of the country standing.
El problema de trabajo y otros factores económicos produjeron una nueva sacudida el viernes. Dos nuevos senadores demócratas dijeron que ellos no votarán por la confirmación del segundo término de la Reserva Federal de Ben Bernanke. La gente está enojada porque ellos no encuentran más monedas en sus bolsillos mientras que las corporaciones se están recuperando del hundimiento del 2008. Y el Presidente de la Reserva Federal es un buen blango a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos para mantener a los grandes ícones del país en pie.
Meanwhile, Haiti continued at the top of the headlines worldwide. The government of that country said more than 150,000 corpses have been buried, but nobody knows really how many people died in the earthquake of January 12. Also, two days ago, the rescue teams found more people alive under the rubble.
Mientras tanto, Haití continuó en el tope de los titulares a través de todo el mundo. El gobierno de aquel país dijo que más de 150.000 cadaveres fueron enterrados, pero nadie sabe realmente cuánta gente murió en el terremoto del 12 de enero. Tambíen, dos días atrás, los grupos de rescate encontraron más gente viva debajo de los escombros.
In the middle of the painful news about unemployment, Haitian earthquake and people asking for real effective solutions, another topic produced another crucial question mark.
En medio de las noticias dolorosas acerca del desempleo, el terremoto de Haití y la gente reclamando soluciones reales y efectivas, otro tema produjo otro crucial interrogante.
China versus Ms Clinton
China contra la Señora Clinton
The US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, spoke about Internet Freedom at the Newseum, in Washington, DC. Her speech was brilliant but bold. She accused directly the Internet censorship of China, Tunisia, Uzbekistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Vietnam. Also she made negative references about the North Korea's attitude against the freedom of its citizens.
La Secretaria de Estado de los Estados Unidos, Hillary Rodham Clinton habló acerca de las Libertades de Internet en el Newseum, en Washington DC. Su discurso fue brillante y audaz. Ella acusó directamente la censura de Internet de China, Túnez, Uzbekistán, Irán, Arabia Saudita, Egipto, y Vietnam. También ella hizo referencias negativas acerca de la actitud de Corea del Norte contra la libertad de sus ciudadanos.
Additionally, during the speech, the Secretary of State referenced the case of Google's hacker attack last December and questioned the Chinese Government about a serious investigation to put an end to the different attacks that were suffered by US corporations during the last months.
Además, durante el discurso, la Secretaria de Estado hizo referencia al caso de el ataque pirata contra Google el último diciembre y demandó al gobierno chino acerca de una investigación seria que ponga fin a los diferentes ataques que han sufrido las corporaciones americanas durante los últimos meses.
China immediately answered the Secretary of State with a hard message: "We urge the U.S. side to respect facts and stop using the so-called freedom of the Internet to make unjustified accusations against China".
China inmediatamente respondió a la Secretaria de Estado con este duro mensaje: "-Nosotros instamos por el lado de los Estados Unidos que respete los hechos y deje de usar las así llamadas libertades de Internet para hacer injustificadas acusaciones contra China."
What is your opinion about the new international conflict between the United States and China? Who is right and who is wrong? What will be the next problem? Could we measure this unusual conflict?
¿Cuáles son vuestras opiniones acerca de este nuevo conflicto internacional entre los Estados Unidos y China? ¿Quién esta en lo correcto y quién está equivocado? ¿Cuál será el próximo problema? ¿Podemos medir este inusual conflicto?
From our perspective, despite the brave attitude of Ms Clinton, the answer from China puts a critical question mark about the future relationships between both countries.
Desde nuestra perspectiva, a pesar de la valiente actitud de la Señora Clinton, la respuesta de China pone un critico interrogante acerca de las relaciones futuras entre ambos países.
The Berlin Wall that symbolized a world divided into two antagonistic powers didn't end the division of the world. All who worked to recreate our planet as the reign of freedom never finish their job.
El Muro de Berlín que simbolizaba un mundo dividido entre dos poderes antagónicos no terminó con la división del mundo. Todos los que trabajaron para recrear a nuestro planeta como un reino de libertades nunca terminaron su trabajo.
The "Communist Chinese Wall" is not a brick wall. It is a wall of indestructible stone that we will never hand over for the pushing of free ideas. Chinese government and institutions say: "Yes, we want to made deals with the western companies... Yes, we enjoy working with your technology... Yes, we will make computers, chips and smartest machines for everybody... But nobody will change our rules... Everybody who wants to do business with China has to accept the footstep of our boots. You have to realize that under our red flag, all is primarily Chinese assets. "
La "Muralla del Comunismo Chino" no es una pared de ladrillos. Es un muro de piedra indestructible que nunca va ceder por el empuje de ideas libres. El Gobierno Chino y sus instituciones dicen: "-Si, queremos hacer negocios con las compañías occidentales... Sí, disfrutamos trabajando con vuestra tecnología... Sí, nosotros haremos computadores, chips y máquinas superinteligentes para todos... Pero nadie cambiará nuestras reglas... Todos aquellos que quieran hacer negocios con China tienen que aceptar la pisada de nuestras botas. Ustedes tienen que tomar conciencia que bajo nuestra bandera roja, todo es primariamente patrimonio chino."
All the best,
Dr. Domingo A. Trassens
Always,my virtual doors are opened for you at my e-mail:
trassens-domingo.alberto@att.netand the virtual address of the Club
Questions - Preguntas:
1. Could you like to describe the worst news for the last week from your point of view?
1. ¿Podría describir cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana desde vuestro punto de vista?
2. And what was the best news from the last week?
2. ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- accusation, accusations = acusación, acusaciones
- angry = enojado, enojada, enojados, enojadas, enfadado, enfadada, enfadados, enfadadas
- antagonistic = antagónico, antagónicos
- bold = audaz, valiente
- boots = botas
- brave = valiente
- brick = ladrillo, ladrillos
- buried = enterrado, enterrados, sepultado, sepultados
- censorship = censura
- earthquake = terremoto
- facts = hechos
- footstep = pisada, paso
- freedom = libertad, libertades
- hang over = ceder
- icons = íconos
- job = trabajo
- question mark = interrogante
- reign = reino
- rubble = escombro, escombros
- shaking = sacudida
- so-called = así llamado, así llamada, así llamados, así llamadas
- stone = piedra
- target = blanco
- urge = instar, recomendar
- wall = muro, pared, muralla
Thanks Bev, Bob, Carl, Carol, Dan, Donna, George, Erika, Fred, Jim, Marcelo, Mary, Susy, Suzanne, Tom for your comments and interaction.
¿Podrían hacer la prueba? ¿Cuál de las dos es más fuerte o resistente? (La primera piedra es original del Muro de Berlin)
Mister, Your sarcasm is great! Mary
You always write different. I enjoy your deep analysis. Thank you. Erika
About the Chinese you said "boots" (botas). This implies dictatorship (dictadura). Your statement looks hard. I couldn't say something similar in front the power China is expanding everywhere. I feel fears to criticize them... You are brave (valiente). Suzanne
Domingo, Ahorita voy a aprender sobre el comunismo chino con los Sunday Bilingual News. Usted habla de todo el mundo. Marcelo
The analysis of the last Sunday Bilingual News with the comments about the Chinese cyber attacks shake me. I never expected Internet will be used as a new gun against nations and big organizations. Anne
I think we also have to understand the Chinese culture. It is not only a problem with the Communist Regime. A lot of Chinese people think different to the Western countries. Dan
Dan, I agree the Chinese culture and people are different, but the case of the cyber attacks is not only a domestic problem, it is an international problem because they are attacking assets from foreign companies, and also stealing information that is property of others. If they want to receive the technology and the capitals of the other countries, they have to respect their interests. In the other case, they have to live isolated from the rest of world. Tom
Your test: The Berlin Wall was build for Europeans. The Europeans (communists or non-communists) always are more flexible than the Chinese. The Chineses mentality is more hard and inflexible than the European mentality. Patty
About Ben Bernanke, I think in the end he will be confirm for a second term. Rich
I think China has to be more flexible because in the other case it will suffer negative consequences soon. Erika
Very important: This issue includes a test about the "Berlin Wall" and "China". What is more strong a stone from the Berlin Wall or the mentality of the
Communist Regime of China?
answer from someone somewhere out of Wiesbaden, Germany
The Wall of China is one of the biggest structures of the world and a series of stone built and rebuilt since 214 BCE by the first Emperor of China. Till today little of that wall remains.
The idea was similar like the Berlin Wall, to protect the “territory of the middle” agains other thretend peoples from the north.
Over the time of centenaries arose the longest structure of this world and it will continue.
The Berlin Wall in Germany was a concrete barrier over 28 years long, built by the German Democratic Republic DDR, 1961 by order of the Sovietunion with the idea to separate West Berlin from East Berlin, symbolize the Iron Curtain between West Europe and Soviet Bloc, including the countries of the Warsaw Pact.
In November 1980 the wall was being torn down complete, and many segments have been given away as a historical memory to various institutions, lobbies of hotels and corporations, also to universities and government buildings around the world since its fall
Technically the Wall remained guarded for some time after November 1989 until 1991 though at a decreasing intensity afterwards all felt including the
German Democratic Republic (DDR).
Today in 2010 the rebuilt of the wall is only to be watched in a privat museum including a memorial of 1,000 and more people who crossed the wall and died by flee to the West.
Dear reader, please decide for yourself what will last longer and forever!
Very good explanation about the Berlin Wall. I always wanted to see this historic monument of the regime of Russia and the communists of East Germany. Anne
I believe the Chinese will have to change their negative attitude against the Western countries. They need us as we need them. They cannot continue for longer using our technology and capital without a good interaction. Judy
We cannot make a good match between the Berlin Wall with the Chinese Wall...They have behind two very different histories. Pierre
Despite the differences between Europe and China, the case of the Fall of the Berlin Wall gives us some hope that one day the Chinese regime will fall too.
I always think the human beings find the end of the tunnel, but sometimes we arrive to end as a corpse. Paul
China is not only the communist regime. Through the History, it always was a non-easy country... Jenny
Guys! You made very philosophic comments about China. Gente! Ustedes hicieron comentarios muy filosoficos acerca de China. John
Talk about China and its politics is not philosophy. It is a crucial issue because due to the current power of China, American companies and/or institutions have to act with a wise attitude every time something happens in connection with this country. Jenny
China y cyer ataque son similares a los niños y la intimidación. No tienen alta autoestima, y con el fin de obtener el así llamado respeto social tienen que recurrir a un comportamiento incivilizado, corrupto, pero en el caso de China, su comportamiento constituye un delito de vileza moral.
China and cyer-attack are similiar to children and bullying. They do not have high self esteem, and in order to gain so-called social respect they have to resort to uncivilized, corrupt behaviour, but in the case of China their behaviour constitute a crime of moral turpitude.
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