Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to an online communication of the Spanish-English Club with several comments we posted in online publications during the last few days.
The current Weekly Bilingual News continues with the style we began to outline during the last weeks and focusing key issues that are interesting subjects for your debate and bilingual conversation. The Vocabulary included will help you.
CHINESE AGENDA – PBS NewsHour Report: U.S. Turns to China for 'Real Action' on North Korea, Other Issues (Jan. 14, 2011). This article explains the message from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to China before the visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao who will meet President Obama in the White House during the next week.
PBS Member Comment: "Chinese President Hu Jintao comes to the US to move his own agenda showing to the world he talks with his rival, but I don't expect the summit with President Obama will produce real action on real issues like climate change, recession and North Korean nuclear proliferation. He needs his "pictures" with Obama in the White House for his own future as a world leader and for his internal political revaluation in front the other top figures of the Communist Party." Domingo A. Trassens.
ARAB TURMOIL - PBS NewsHour Report: Massive Protests in Tunisia Push President to Flee. (Jan. 14, 2011) This article describes Tunisian turmoil that forced President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali to leave his country after 23 years ruling the North African nation with Arab population.
PBS Member Comment: "Tunisia goes to the streets after 23 years of being ruled by the same leader. First question: Why has the population waited more than 20 years to yell for revolution? Second question: Will the country institute a democracy or another dictatorship regime?" Domingo A. Trassens
SORROW SHAKING - WSJ Article: Obama's Speech Wins Over Critics. (Jan. 14, 2011) This article analyzes the President Obama's remarks at the memorial service for the victims of the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Despite some critics, important political analysts applauded the speech.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "Every time the President of the Nation speaks in public, his speech becomes a political issue. President Obama at the memorial service in Tucson showed also feelings that normally he doesn't share with the citizens of the country. Surely, the sorrow of all who lost somebody in the shooting shook him too. Great! We are human beings after all!!".Domingo A. Trassens
VERIZON AND AT&T WITH THE SAME GUN - WSJ Article: Verizon Wireless to Offer iPhone 4 in February. (Jan. 12, 2011) This article comments on the plans of Verizon Wireless to sell Apple's smart-phones till now sold exclusively by AT&T in the domestic market of the United States.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "The introduction of iPhone by Verizon Wireless will be an important event because now on the US biggest telecommunication providers must improve their offering to gain the fidelity of the Apple's fans. Additionally, the competition will stimulate new advanced services for smart-phones." Domingo A. Trassens
The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week higher than the previous one. Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 112.62 points or 0.96% to 11787.38. Nasdaq Composite gained 52.13 points, or 1.93% in the same period, to close at 2755.30.
In summary, the week was full of the Arizona's shooting on January 8 producing a lot of scenes of pain, hate, and an extensive analysis about what are the implications of mental illnesses and guns. At the end of the seven days, two new subjects refocused the headlines of the press: Tunisia turmoil and the new summit of President Obama and President Hu Jintao, next weekin Washington DC.
What is your summary of the week? What were the most important events from your point of view? Please explain them in a bilingual mode.
Best regards,
Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:
Questions - Preguntas:
1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?
2) And what was the best news from the week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- action = acción
- analysis = análisis
- analyze, analyzing = analizar, analizando
- Arab = árabe
- climate change = cambio de clima
- democracy = democracia
- dictatorship = dictadura
- domestic market = mercado interno
- fans = fanáticos
- fidelity = fidelidad
- figures = figuras, personalidades, personas importantes
- guns = armas, armas de fuego
- hate = odio
- issue = asunto, tema
- meet = encontrar, reunirse
- mental illnesses = enfermedades mentales
- North Korean = norcoreano, norcoreana, norcoreanos, norcoreanas
- pictures = fotos
- recession = recesión
- rule, ruled = gobernar, gobernó
- share = compartir
- shake, shaking, shook = sacudir, sacudiendo, sacudió
- shooting = tiroteo
- smart-phones = teléfonos inteligentes
- sorrow = pena, dolor
- stimulate = estimular
- summit = cumbre
- terror = terror
- Tunis = Túnez
- Tunisia = Túnez
- Tunisian = tunecino, tunecina, tunecinos, tunecinas
- turmoil = desorden, alboroto
- visit = visita
- yell = gritar
- yell = gritar
Thanks to Anne, Bob, Harold, Jim, John, Lilly, Marie, Stephanie and Susy your messages
Tunisia: New Arab turmoil
(by courtesy of US Secretary of State)
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