Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to the weekly communication from the Spanish-English Club with the analysis of the main news in both languages: Spanish and English!
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la comunicación semanal del Spanish-English Club con el análisis de las principales noticias en ambas lenguas: español e inglés!
Newspapers, radio and TV programs talked a lot about President Obama’s plan for the Afghan war. First it was his speech at West Point on Tuesday evening, announcing 30,000 more troops join to the current US army in that country.
Periódicos, radio y programas de televisión hablaron mucho sobre el plan del Presidente Obama para la guerra afgana. Primero, fue su discurso en West Point el martes a la tarde, anunciando que 30.000 más tropas se usen al actual ejército de los Estados Unidos en aquel país.
Second, the Obama administration began the efforts to sell its new strategy to members of Congress. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defended the president plan in front the Senate Armed Services Committee.
En segundo lugar, la Administración Obama comenzó los esfuerzos para vender su nueva estrategia a los miembros del Congreso. El Secretario de Defensa Robert Gates y la Secretaria de Estado Hillary Clinton defendieron el plan del presidente frente al Comité de Servicios Armados del Senado.
Third, in Brussels, the NATO Secretary announced approximately 20 countries of this alliance will also send troops to Afghanistan as part of their support of President Obama’s plan.
En tercer lugar, en Bruselas, el Secretario de la NATO anunció que aproximadamente 20 países de esta alianza también enviarán tropas a Afganistán como parte del apoyo al plan del Presidente Obama.
On Friday, the Jobs’ Report from last November gained important space in the media headlines. The announcement of the unemployment rate declined to 10 percent from 10.2 percent the previous month produced some relief, but not all the comments were positive.
El viernes, el Informe de Trabajo del mes de noviembre ganó importante espacio en los titulares de los medios de prensa. El anuncio de que la tasa de desempleo declinó a 10 por ciento de 10,20 por ciento en el mes previo produjo alivio, pero no todos los comentarios fueron positivos.
In between the news about the Afghanistan troop buildup and the Unemployment Report, the hearing of Fed chairman, Ben Bernanke, in Congress for his nomination to a second period as the head of the Federal Reserve was another important issue. Mr. Bernanke didn’t received applause for his labor in the rescue of the financial institutions and important Wall Street players. Some of the members of both parties criticized him with very rough statements.
En medio de las noticias del fortalecimiento de las tropas de Afganistán y el informe de desempleo, la sesión frente al Congreso del presidente del directorio del Fed, Ben Bernanke, por la nominación para un segundo período como cabeza de Reserva Federal fue otro importante asunto. El Señor Bernanke no recibió aplausos por su labor en el rescate de las instituciones financieras y de importantes jugadores de Wall Street. Algunos de los miembros de ambos partidos lo criticaron con muy asperas declaraciones.
General Motors came back to the top of the news with the resignation of its chief executive officer, Frederick ‘Fritz’ Henderson and the temporary replacement by board chairman Edward E. Whitacre Jr. Nobody explained the real reasons of the departure. Mr. Henderson was in charge of the automobile company since last March when his predecessor, Rick Wagoner was forced to resign by the Obama administration after the Government rescued GM with strong financial support.
General Motors retornó al tope de las noticias con la renuncia de su jefe ejecutivo, Frederick “Fritz” Henderson y el reemplazo temporal por el presidente del directorio Edward E. Whitacre Jr. Nadie explicó las razones reales de la partida. El Señor Henderson estuvo a cargo de la compañía automotriz desde marzo pasado, cuando su predecesor, Rick Wagoner, fue forzado a renunciar por la Administración Obama después que el Gobierno rescató a GM con un fuerte apoyo financiero.
In other news, Barnes & Noble confirmed the first shipment of its new e-books nook is expected for January 15th, 2010. Through its Internet website, and its chain of shops across the country, the bookstore is promoting the first version of "nook".
En otras noticias, Barnes & Noble confirmó que el primer embarque de sus nuevos libros electrónicos “nook” fue estimado para el 15 de enero del 2010. A través de su sitio Web de Internet, y de su cadena de tiendas a través del país, la librería está promoviendo la primera versión de “nook”,
Wall Street closed the week in positive territory after two days with poor results and mixed figures.
Wall Street cerró la semana en territorio positivo después de dos días de resultados pobres y números mezclados.
All the best,
Dr. Domingo A. Trassens
Always, my virtual doors are opened for you at
my e-mail:
Questions - Preguntas:
1. Could you describe the worst news for the last week from your point of view?
1. ¿Podría describir cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana desde vuestro punto de vista?
2. And what was the best news from the last week?
2. ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- applause = aplauso, aplausos
- army = ejército
- chain = cadena
- criticized = criticado
- defended = defendió, defendieron
- departure = partida, ida, alejamiento
- forced = forzado
- in charge = a cargo
- relief = alivio
- rescued = rescató
- resignation = renuncia
- rough = áspero, áspera, ásperos, ásperas
- shipment = embarque, envío
- statements = afirmaciones, declaraciones
Thanks Bev, Bob, Carl, Stephanie, Suzanne, Tina for your messages.

This is "nook", the new e-book from Barnes & Noble (The picture is courtesy of B&N)
Good weekly summary, but I would like to know more about "nook". What are the difference between "nook" and Kindle?
Buen resumen semanal, pero quisiera saber mas sobre "nook". Cuales son las diferencias entre "nook" y Kindle?
Thank you /Gracias
SUNDAY BILINGUAL NEWS no solo ayuda a aprender ingles, tambien ayuda a conocer las noticias mas importantes en forma simple.
Y ayuda a aprender ingles a quienes hablan espanol
I would like more bilingual vocabulary.
I would like you write the comments of the pictures in English and Spanish.
Thank you,
I can only write in English--The prayer issue is YES, it is enough to pray to God. HE is who sustains us through prayer and listens to us and answers us, for those who are truly sincere in their asking/needs. Prayer can be at church, home, on a street corner, while sitting at a stop light...anywhere God can hear us.
Today is Sunday, I was waiting for the new issue.
Answer of your Question 1
Could you describe the worst for the last week from your point of view?
From my view the worst news for the last week was the peace price 2009 for Barack Obama.
Its grotesque to issue a peace price to someone who is going to send again more US soldier even from Europe, in this case from Wiesbaden,Germany, 3 days before the whole world is celebrating Christmas to Baghdad.While the chief of staff is creating a ceremony for those troops of 2000 soldiers sending now for one more year to Baghdad, primarily to "advise and playing a training role" to the Iraquis.
After the ceremony, the gathered crowd of adults and children watched the lighting of a airfield's Christmas tree!
Answer of your Question 2
"what was the best news from the last week"?
Michelle Obama's Outfit in Europe, Copenhagen, its shows that the 1st Lady makes a lot of faux pas in selecting her clothes and this is the best news for me, because it shows to me, that this world is full of grotesque things, good and bad!
Greetings from Wiesbaden, Germany
Thank you for your continuing commitment to the Spanish-English Club, Domingo. I am sure that all the members appreciate your efforts, as I do. There is no other resource quite like this one for the improvement of our Spanish language skills.
Había tantos temas en las noticias la semana pasada que es difícil decidir cuál era la mejor, que lo peor. Creo que es probablemente seguro decir, sin embargo, que ninguno de ellos era lo suficientemente bueno.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays,
from wiesbaden, Germany
I know a lot of persons like the technology everywhere. About books, I prefer the classic paper books. Patty
Till now I didn't see a "nook" in the Barnes & Noble stores that I visited. Pierre
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