Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Today is Easter (Pascuas de Resurrección), a very important religious celebration for Catholics and Christians across the world.

Also from the sunset of April 18 to the nightfall of April 25, the Jewish community is celebrating Passover (Pascuas de los judíos).

Both celebrations have important historic and tradition roots that come from generations to generations. They are days for reflection and nice encounters with family and friends.

Our best wishes for the members and friends of the Spanish-English Club.

Happy Easter! Happy Passover! (¡Felices Pascuas!)


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to the third online communication of the Spanish English Club in April. The new Weekly Bilingual News will show how the world was running during the last few days.

From the perspective of our comments posted in blogs in important online publications, you will have different images than normally you catch from the TV or the newspapers.

Always, we include a chapter of bilingual Vocabulary to help you in your conversation in Spanish and English. 

AIR-CONTROLLERS SLEEPING - Wall Street Journal article: "New Rest Rules for Tower" written by Andy Pasztor (April 17, 2011). During the last few days, press sources commented on recent air-traffic incidents due to the air-controllers who fell asleep in their workplaces. Now, FAA is ordering nine-hour breaks between shifts for air-controllers to fight workplace fatigue.
Our Comment: It is positive that the FAA tries to find a solution to the controllers' problem, but the problem is not only a schedule problem. They need special physical and psychological training and very good payment.

TECHNOLOGICAL EXODUS - Wall Street Journal article: "Samsung May Sell Hard-Drive Unit" written by Jung AH-Lee (April 17, 2011). During the first decades of evolution of the technology industry, one of most important segments was the hard-disk manufacturing. Some years ago, when IBM decided to sell its hard-disk-drive unit to Hitachi, a lot of analysts were surprised. Next the Japanese Fujitsu also sold its factories of hard-disk drives. Recently, Hitachi said: "Bye-bye to the disk unit."
Our Comment: The exodus continues. Some weeks ago, Hitachi informed their decision to sell its hard-disk-drive unit. Now, Samsung is following the same path. Who will be next?

AUSTERITY PLAN - Wall Street Journal article: "Greece Outlines Five-Year Austerity Plan" (April 15, 2011). After the terrible economic debacle of the last year, Greek government has decided to cut expenditures, selling utility companies that it owns.
Our Comment: The initiative to privatize government's companies is a positive step to fix the Greek economy.

NATO WARPLANES - Wall Street Journal article: "NATO Commander Calls for More Warplanes" (April 14, 2011). The air strikes by the allies against the Libyan positions continued during last week without clear results till now. Now, the commander of NATO troops at an international meeting in Berlin, Germany asked for new military airplanes to help rebels to defeat the Gadhafi's regime.
Our Comment: NATO Commander asks for more airplanes. It is okay, but for how many days or months NATO will need more warplanes? Will the Libyan operation have an end in a short time? Till now nothing is clear despite the money that western countries are expending for bombing Col. Gadhafi's bunkers.

IRAN BEHIND THE SCENE - Wall Street Journal article: "U.S. Says Iran Helps Crackdown in Syria" (April 14, 2011). After weeks of protests in the streets of different cities of Syria, some press sources commented U.S. complains because the Iran's government is helping the president of Syria against protesters across this Arab country.
Our Comment: It is nothing new that Iran's regime always is behind the scene manipulating political issues of the Middle East.

PERSONAL COMPUTERS - Wall Street Journal article: "Demand for PCs Falters" (April 14, 2011). In the first quarter of 2011 the worldwide demand of PCs declined again according to the analysts of the technology market.
Our Comment: Today digital tablets and smart-phones are giving flexible alternatives to the PC users who really don't need strong data processing functions. We think this is one of the factors that are pushing the demand of the PCs down.

The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week in the negative territory. Dow Jones Industrial Average declined 38.22 points or 0.35% to 12341.83. Nasdaq Composite fell 15.77 points or 0.57% in the same period, to end at 2764.65.

In summary, during the last week, in the United States, the 2011 federal budget continued at the top of the news. Now the subject is increasing the debt ceiling of the federal budget.

Other important topic was the American intervention in the Libyan's air attack of the Col. Gadhafi positions. Again President Obama talked in public about the U.S. policy toward Libya and the rest of the Middle East.

Republicans and Democrats began the new campaigns for the 2012 election. Mitt Romney announced his intention to run for president. It is the second time that the former Massachusetts' governor will try to get the seat in the White House as a new Republican president.

On the international side, new incidents across the Arab world (Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Lybia, Bahrain...), the growing problem of the African refugees, and the radiation of the Japanese nuclear accident were also important topics of the news.

During the last weekend a lot of people across the world traveled for their Easter week vacation. In different countries of Europe the children will not go to the school during the next few days. Meanwhile, train stations and airports are full of travelers.

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

 - Arab = árabe
- austerity = austeridad
- bunker = refugio
- control tower = torre de control
- Greece, Greek = Grecia, griego, griega
- hard-disk = disco duro
- Iran, Iranian = Irán, iraní (m/f)
- Libya, Libyan = Libia, libio, libia
- refugee = refugiado 
- Syria, Syrian = Siria, sirio, siria
- warplane, warplanes = avión de guerra, aviones de guerra


hanks to Anne, Bob, Erika, Joseph, Stephanie, and Suzanne for your messages about the previous Weekly Bilingual News.
Easter's decoration in European train station 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to the second Weekly Bilingual News of April 2011 with the news of the last few days in the perspective of our comments posted in blogs of important online publications. The bilingual Vocabulary included in this issue will help you in your conversation in Spanish and English.

BUDGET CEILING - Wall Street Journal article: "White House Braces for Bigger Battles Ahead" written by Carol E. Lee (April 10, 2011).
Our Comment: "The press celebrated the last-minute deal to avert the shutdown of the federal government. According to the article written by Carol E. Lee, we see that some of the points of the agreement between Republicans and Democrats were fixed with pins. We have to hope the weak points of the federal budget will be reinforced soon. "

AVERT SHUTDOWN – Wall Street Journal article: "Last-Minute Deal Averts Shutdown" (April 9, 2011).
Our Comment: "Our politicians fought as children who dispute toys in the playroom of the primary school. It really was absurd that they waited to the last minute, to achieve a deal."

NO CHANGES IN YEMEN - Wall Street Journal article: "Three Die as Yemeni Security Forces Fire on Protesters" (April 9, 2011).
Our Comment: "According to different sources, two weeks ago, President Ali Abdullah Saleh said he was planning to leave the government immediately, but till now he continues in power. What is really his game? How many people have to die in Yemen before the real changes arrive?"

LIBYAN REBELS VS. NATO - Wall Street Journal article: "NATO and Libyan Rebels Try to Mend Fences After Misfire" (April 9, 2011).
Our Comment: "We think the tensions between the NATO and rebels will continue if the military campaign continues longer. The armed movements without leaders who can accelerate the actions are dangerous for the civil population caught between the fighters."

NEW EGYPTIAN TURMOIL - Wall Street Journal article: "Egypt Rallies Swell Against Military" (April 9, 2011).
Our Comment: "The new incident shows that the real problem for Egypt was not the former President Mubarak. The political components of the current situation are more complex and the Egyptian's future remains uncertain."

MEDICARE DATABASE – Wall Street Journal article: "Senators Push to Open Database on Medicare" (April 8, 2011).
Our Comment: "We think the idea to open Medicare's database could help to detect cases of dishonesty from professionals who use this medical system to enrich themselves, but always we have to evaluate the pros and cons."

REFUGEES WITHOUT DESTINY – Wall Street Journal article: "Migrant Boat Sinks in Mediterranean" (April 7, 2011). Up to 200 refugees are missing in cold waters, and 15 were found dead. Europe struggles with Influx from the turbulent North Africa.
Our Comment: "Big drama! But the migration from countries ruled by inhuman regimes will continue despite the risks that these people take when they flee."

The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week with mixed results. Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 3.33 points or 0.03% to 12380.05. Nasdaq Composite declined 9.18 points or 0.33% in the same period, to end at 2780.42. The political uncertainty about the 2011 federal budget during the week produced negative effects in the stock market.

In summary, during the last few days, in the United States, the main subject was the Congressional debate about the federal budget for the current year. Meanwhile, different incidents across the Arab world and the radiations of the Japanese nuclear plant shared the headlines of the newspapers and TV.

In the international side, different papers remarked about the growing problem with refugees from African countries in chaos including Ivory Coast that affect to Italy, France and other European countries.

On Friday April 8, in the last minutes of the day, at the eleventh hour, Republicans and Democrats achieved an agreement to avert the shutdown of the federal government but till now all is not settled. Congress and the White House have pending subjects linked with the 2011 budget to define.

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- Arab = árabe
- avert = prevenir
- budget = presupuesto
- ceiling = límite, techo
- database = base de datos
- France, French = Francia, francés, francesa
- federal budget = presupuesto federal
- Ivory Coast = Costa de Marfil
- Libya, Libyan = Libia, libio, libia
- misfire = fallar
- rally = mitín
- refugee = refugiado
- shutdown = cierre
- swell = marejada, oleaje


Thanks to Betty, Bob, Erika, John, Steven, and Suzanne for your messages about the previous Weekly Bilingual News.

All the nation was pending of the approval of the federal budget.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to the first online communication from the Spanish English Club in April 2011. The new issue of the Weekly Bilingual News introduces the news of the last few days in the perspective of our comments posted in blogs of important online publications. The bilingual Vocabulary included in this issue will help you in your conversation in Spanish and English.

RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM – WSJ - Journal Community Question: "What should we learn from, and how should we respond to, religious extremism such as the March 20 Florida Quran-burning and the resulting killings in the Islamic world?" (April 4, 2011). "In Afghanistan on Friday, people incensed by the recent Quran-burning ceremony by the Rev. Terry Jones over ran the United Nations office in the northern Afghanistan's largest city, killing at least seven foreigners and several Afghans, according to U.N. and Afghan officials."
Our Answer: "We cannot change the attitude of political or religious leaders with extremist ideas, but we can try to diminish the effects of their actions with an educative message about why we have to respect other religions and cultures. Always the violence creates more violence. The History shows us that the political and religious extremisms generate violence. Definitively, we have to isolate all kinds of extremism with a clear and resolute opposition." And about the Muslims: "We agree with you that frequently the Muslims are aggressive against the beliefs of others. We felt the violence in our skin, traveling through Muslims countries, but we learned we cannot generate more violence and this is the only way to stop the sickness of the extremism. It is similar to stopping the attack from a "dog" without a bite. The extremists act like "dogs" that never learned to respect the freedoms of others. Of course, it is a hard process for the reeducation of people that enjoy the violence because they are also victims of the violence."

2012 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN – An article of The Washington Post written by the journalist Dan Balz and titled: "2012 GOP presidential candidates confront a changing landscape" (April 3, 2011) says: "This is not an easy time for Republicans who are thinking of running for president in 2012. Whatever assumptions about the road ahead that may have existed a few months ago suddenly look more complicated, because of unfolding events here and abroad.
Our Comment: "Today, the landscape is more complex than before the midterm elections because now the Republicans are sharing some responsibilities with the White House in domestic and international issues, till now without clear definitions about the new budget. Additionally, military forces of the United States are involved in Libya, a volcano in total eruption."

TYRANNIES FALLING – Wall Street Journal story written by Bari Weiss and titled: "Opinion: 'The Tyrannies Are Doomed" (April 2 2011) comments that the scholar of the Middle East Bernard Lewis is optimist for the political changes in the Arab and Muslim countries, but "he says the U.S. should not push for quick, Western-style elections."
Our Comment: "We agree with Bernard Lewis that it is positive the Arab and Muslim countries are seeking democratic changes. But we cannot push countries ruled by tyrannies for decades into bloody revolutions. These countries have to learn the ABC's of freedom and democracy gradually. They have to develop their own political movements and develop political leaders with the capacity to create new democracies according to their own cultures and traditions. It is not possible that these new leaders become masters in politics in a short time when during years they have only seen the bars of the jail and the boots of their wardens."

EMPLOYMENT RECOVERY – WSJ Journal Community question: "How would you describe the recovery? Economists thought the jobless rate would unchanged at 8.9%, but March hiring was stronger than expected. Where are we in the recovery? Are recent gains sustainable?" (April 1 2011).
Our Answer: "Till now, the recovery is a slow and painful walk over through a path with a lot of obstacles, taking weak steps in the middle of a dense fog."

GOOGLE IN CHINA – Wall Street Journal story: "Google Losing Ground in China" (March 31, 2011) comments the businesses of Google are declined in China.
Our Comment: "I never discussed whether Google committed mistakes in its relationship with the Chinese regime, but the Free World knows the practices of China are not uniform. The Chinese authorities use the foreign resources as the owners of those resources, but they don't balance the rules about internal and external competition with the same eye. The Communist Party continues pointing its preferences in an excessive way in a country that wants to share the same seats of the countries of the Free World."

LIBYAN DEFECTOR – Wall Street Journal story: "Foreign Minister Resigns His Post, in Blow to Regime" (March 29, 2011) comments the Libyan Foreign Minister Mr. Koussa resigned and flew to London.
Our Comment: "It is positive that members of the Libyan regime leave Col. Moammar Gadhafi's government, but till now it is early to applaud. We have to observe the movements on Tripoli and other Libyan territory without cheering. We know the Libyan dictator is a clever fox always with new tricks in his hands… We have our doubts Mr. Koussa left Col. Gadhafi because he changed his mind about his boss. Probably there is other business behind the scenes that we don't know."

The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week in the positive territory. Dow Jones Industrial Average went up 156.13 points or 1.28% to 12376.72. Nasdaq Composite grew 46.54 points or 1.70% in the same period, to end at 2789.60. This was the second week that both indexes climbed after negative results.

In summary, during the last few days, the air strikes of the ally forces against Libyan targets were at the top of the headlines of newspapers and TV. President Obama defended the US intervention with other countries of NATO. Meanwhile, the radiations of the Japanese nuclear plant continued at the side of the news showing the fears of the world for the direct and indirect effects of this problem.

On Friday April 1, the US Labor Department published the Job Report of March showing some improvement in the employment side during the previous month. The non-farm payrolls rose by 216,000, but till now there are about 13.5 million people who would like to work, but without success in their job searching. In the United States, the economy continued to add jobs at a continued pace in March, moving down the unemployment rate to its lowest level in two years, and edged down to 8.8% last month.

Despite the good news about jobs and the economy recovery, analysts and other observers continued remarking that a lot of people will never return to their previous jobs, because the economic conditions are changing and some businesses are dead or declining. Additionally, a TV panel from PBS commented about the difficulties of the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to find positions in the civilian world. Everybody remarks the merit of US soldiers fighting abroad but the companies don't open the doors to the veterans that are returning to the country.

Sunday night some rumors from the press commented in advance that President Obama is launching his re-election campaign for the 2012 elections. On the same night, the German liberal politician Guido Westerwelle announced he is resigning as Vice Chancellor of Germany and the chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), victim of the disaster his party suffered in the regional elections of the previous weekend when the Green Party shook the political apparatus of the European country as consequence of the radiations of the Japanese nuclear plant damaged during the last tsunami in the Asian region.

Last-minute: President Barack Obama launched his re-election campaign elections in a video on his website. Days before, the political journalist Gwen Ifill in the web pages of PBS posted an article titled: "Iowa, I Hear You Calling" writing:"AMES, Iowa.  I have this little theory that has long served me well. Everything, I believe, is politics. Politics determines whether your children go to school or to jail; whether they eat or starve; whether their futures will improve on your past. This is why I love politics and don't mind politicians. So it is with no small amount of anticipation that I look forward to the 2012 campaign." Our Comment: Gwen, Why do you point to Iowa, thinking about the 2012 campaign? From now to voting time, we will live through a lot of facts in the domestic and international arenas. And depending on all these new issues, the politicians will have to fight hard in many different battle fields. You cannot accelerate the time…You cannot define today when and where the future will take place. "

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- abroad = en el extranjero, al extranjero
- Afghanistan, Afghan = Afganistan, afgano, afgana
- ally, allies = aliado, aliados
- airstrikes, air strikes = bombardeo aéreo
- assumption = presunción, suposición
- bars = rejas
- belief = fe, creencia
- bite = mordedura, morder
- bloody = sangriento, sangrienta, sangrientos, sangrientas
- budget = presupuesto
- confront = hacer frente a, enfrentarse con
- defector = desertor, desertora
- diminish = disminuir - extremism = extremismo
- eruption = erupción
- gradually = paulatinamente
- incensed = indignada, encolerizada
- Islam = Islam - isolate = aislar 
- jail = cárcel 
- landscape = paisaje
- Libya, Libyan = Libia, libio, libia
- Muslim = musulmán, musulmana
- opposition = oposición
- Quran = Corán
- revolution = revolución
- scholar = erudito/a, sabio/a
- starve = pasar hambre
- tyranny, tyrannies = tiranía, tiranías
- volcano = volcán
- warden = guardia, guardián, guardiana


- GOP: Grand Old Party (Republican)
- Islam: monotheistic religion that believes in Allah (Alá) and begins with the teaching of the profet Muhammad (profeta Mahoma).
- Quran (Qur'an, Kuran, Koran, Coran): religious book of the Islam


Thanks to Anne, Bob, Carl, Erika, Steven, and Suzanne for your messages about the previous Weekly Bilingual News.

Dead businesses - Lost jobs