Thursday, November 25, 2010
Weekly Bilingual News - Special Edition
Dear Friends:
Today is a very special day, one of the most important celebrations of the United States.
Hoy es un día muy especial, una de las celebraciones más importantes de los Estados Unidos.
Our best wishes for you and family.
Nuestros mejores deseos para ustedes y vuestras familias.
Happy Thanksgiving!
¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!
Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Weekly Bilingual News
Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to the weekly online communication of the Spanish-English Club with a brief analysis of the main events and news of the last few days to help the members of the Club in your bilingual practice.
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la comunicación semanal en línea del Spanish-English Club con un breve análisis de los principales acontecimientos y noticias de los últimos días para ayudar a los miembros del Club en la práctica bilingüe.
This is the English version of the issue. We suggest you try to rewrite it in Spanish. Later, we will complete the issue with the Spanish part of this Weekly Bilingual News. You can write us for comments and more bilingual vocabulary everytime you need.
On Monday, November 15, press sources related the Afghan-American tensions for some comments of President Hamid Karsai published by The Washington Post during the previous weekend.
El lunes, 15 de noviembre, fuentes de prensa se refirieron a las tensiones afganas-americanas por algunos comentarios del Presidente Hamid Karsai publicados en The Washington Post durante el fin de semana previo.
On Tuesday, November 16, A House ethics panel found senior Democratic member Charles Rangel guilty of 11 of the 13 counts of US House of Representatives ethics violations presented against him.
El martes, 16 de noviembre, un panel de ética de la Cámara de Representantes encontró al miembro demócrata Charles Rangel culpable de 11 de los 13 asuntos de violaciones de ética a la Cámara de Representantes de los Estados Unidos presentados contra él.
Also on Tuesday, some press media talked about the new security searches implemented by theTransportation Safety Administration for the incoming holiday's sessions.
También el martes, algunos medios de prensa hablaron acerca de los nuevos procedimientos de securidad implementados por Transportation Safety Administration para las temporada de las fiestas venideras.
On Wednesday, November 17, General Motors Company priced its historic initial public offering at $33 per shares, raising $20.1 billion in common and preferred stock in one of the largest stock offerings in the United States.
El miércoles 17 de noviembre, General Motors Company estableció el precio de histórica oferta pública inicial en $33 por acción, subiendo el total de acciones comunes y preferidas a unos 20 mil cien millones de dólares en una de las ofertas de acciones más grandes de los Estados Unidos.
Also on Wednesday, the outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi won the position of Minority Leader of the new US Congress effective starting in January.
También el miércoles, la saliente Jefa de la Cámara de Representantes Nancy Pelosi ganó la posición de Líder Minoritario del nuevo Congreso de los Estados Unidos efectivo comenzando en enero.
About this subject, we posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "With the election of Nancy Pelosi as the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives, her party has locked its doors to the FUTURE. What will be the price for this decision? Who will be the winner after all?" Domingo A. Trassens. The comment received 7 recommendations from other members of the Community.
On Thursday, November 18, top Irish government officials acknowledged for the first time that the country is negotiating a massive international bailout. The analysts ask who will be the next members of the EU with big troubles. Some observers gave two potential names: Portugal and Spain.
El jueves 18 de noviembre, altos funcionarios del gobierno irlandés reconocieron por primera vez que el país está negociando un rescate financiero másivo a nivel internacional. Los analistas se preguntan quienes serán los proximos miembros de la Unión Europea con grandes problemas. Algunos observadores dieron dos posibles nombres: Portugal y España.
On Friday, November 19, at Frankfurt meeting, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke reacted against criticism at home and abroad of the Fed's policies, arguing that China and others are causing global problems by keeping their currencies artificially weak.
El viernes 19 de noviembre, en la reunión de Frankfurt, el Presidente de la Reserva Federal, Ben Bernanke, reaccionó contra las críticas internas e internacionales respecto de las políticas de la Reserva Federal, argumentando que China y otros son los que están causando los problemas mundiales porque mantienen sus monedas artificialmente débiles.
Also on Friday, the NATO Summit in Portugal kicked off with emphasis on missile defense. From Lisbon, President Obama looked to bolster support for a missile defense plan and the Afghan war timetable.
También el viernes, la Cumbre de la NATO en Portugal arrancó poniendo énfasis en la defensa de misiles. Desde Lisboa, el Presidente Obama busca la forma de buscar apoyo para un plan de defensa de misiles y una agenda de fin de la guerra afgana.
The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week with mixed results. Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 10.97 points or 0.10% to 11203.55. Nasdaq Composite fell 0.09 points, or 0.004% in the same period, to close at 2518.12.
On Saturday, November 20, the media reported German authorities have launched a large-scale search for several suspected suicide bombers. Across the European country, security forces are looking to control potential bombing targets from Islamic extremists. Berlin, Frankfurt and other important cities are on the list of possible attacks similar to the Mumbai's siege two years ago.
During all the week, the financial problems of Ireland and the currency politics of the US and other countries gained much attention in the media and TV programs. Also during the last few days, the body scans and pat downs implemented by TSA in the US airports created a lot of critics, complaints and opposition.
Additionally the NATO meeting in Lisbon was in focus due to the pending agreement between Russia and US nuclear missiles that some members of the Congress don't want to approve before the holiday's vacations. Many members felt that more discusion is needed before ratification.
About the Russian-American agreement we posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "I think it is a good idea the development of a friendly environment between U.S. and Russia. But I don't believe now it is the best moment for signing new arms pacts. In other words, in transition moments we have to manage our international relationships more carefully than in the normal times." Domingo A. Trassens
In summary, the week ended with a lot people planning their Thanksgiving vacations and thinking about the weather and the problems of the updated controls in the airports.
What is your summary of the week? What were the most important events from your point of view? Please explain them in a bilingual mode.
All the best ,
Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:
Questions - Preguntas:
1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the last week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana?
2) And what was the best news from the last week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- acknowledge = reconocer
- official = funcionario, funcionaria
- siege = cerco, sitio
Thanks to Bob, Caroline, Jimmy, Mark, Stephanie, and Suzanne for your messages.
Old Cadillac from the old General Motors without Chinese components.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Weekly Bilingual News
Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to a new issue of the Weekly Bilingual News with a brief analysis of the main events and news of the last few days to help the members of the Spanish-English Club in your bilingual practice.
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a un nuevo número del Weekly Bilingual News con un análisis breve de los principales acontecimientos y noticias de los últimos días para ayudar a los miembros del Spanish-English Club en su práctica bilingüe.
This is the English version of the issue. We suggest you try to rewrite it in Spanish. Later, we will complete the issue with the Spanish part of this Weekly Bilingual News. You can write us for comments and more bilingual vocabulary everytime you need.
On Monday, November 8, President Obama traveling across India, announced support for this Asian country that is demanding a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council. International analysts expect the initiative will have opposition from China and other countries. Do you think Brazil also will demand a permanent seat?
Also on Monday, at the Oil Spill Commission Hearing, inthe US Congress,BP, Halliburton and Transocean answered questions about the errors they made in the Deepwater Horizon rig's operation that ended in the horrible accident of the Gulf of Mexico last April.
On Tuesday, November 9, President Obama returned to Indonesia, where he spent a portion of his childhood, encouraging the United States to build stronger ties with the most populous Muslim nation in the world. The President was reminded of emotional moments from his past.
Also on Tuesday, former President George W. Bush released his memoir titled "Decision Points". Through this book, President Bush explains some of the tough decisions he made while in office, including how he dealt with September 11, the lack of weapons of mass destruction and Hurricane Katrina. Do you like to read memoirs of important leaders? Did you read the autobiographies of other presidents?
On Wednesday, November 10, a bipartisan deficit commission appointed by President Obama issued a draft proposal of drastic spending cuts including changes in Social Security and in the tax policy.
On Thursday, November 11, after months of discussions, Iraqis political rivals reached an agreement that keeps Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in power but distributes other key positions.
On Friday, November 12, from Seoul, South Korea, the G-20 summit set broad guidelines for the global economy but left out details on how key issues will be resolved. China, Germany and others rebuffed U.S. propositions.
In Seoul, President Obama suffered two defeats: one in the G-20 environment, and the second in the deal with the South Korea's government to improve the commercial relationships between the United States and the Asian country.
About this subject we posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "It was not the best time for going to the G-20. If President Obama had asked me before the beginning of his trip, I would say him: "Please Mr. President, Send a delegate." When the internal problems are complex, and especially after a defeat like the November 2 election, the silence at home is better decision than a very visible footbridge across the world." Domingo A. Trassens
Also on Friday, Wall Street Journal posted an article titled "Chinese Plan to Buy Stake in GM" where this media commented the biggest Chinese auto maker plans to buy stock from General Motors. The article begins: "China's biggest auto maker, SAIC Motor Corp., is close to finalizing a plan to buy a stake in General Motors, which is preparing for an initial public offering next week."
In this case we added the following comment: "I see the potential purchase of a General Motors Co's stake by China's biggest auto maker from another perspective. Despite all the problems GM lived with, during the last years, till now it is part of the American inheritance. The Chinese companies and institutions have the capacity to advance step by step with national targets. They will be very happy buying today only a stake in GM. Surely tomorrow they will try to buy a second bigger portion of GM. What will be the GM's nationality in ten or fifteen years? Maybe in some years, we have to cry another mistake looking at the brilliant red lights of the brand new CHINESE MOTORS CO. (CM). What do you think?" Domingo A. Trassens
The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week in negative territory. Dow Jones Industrial Average went down251.50 points or 2.20% to 11192.58. Nasdaq Composite fell 60.77 points, or 2.36% in the same period, to close at 2518.21.
During the last week, the trip of President Obama abroad generated different news and analyses about the relationships of the United States and the rest of the world. In particular, the negative attitude of China to solve economic differences with U.S. gained concerns of economists and other observers.
In summary, the week ended with a new economic map of the globe. The G-20 Summit showed a world divided about economic and social issues. Some countries like Germany, Brazil and China are growing faster than United States. This international news impacted in the Wall Street indexes.
What is your summary of the week? What were the most important events from your point of view? Please explain them in a bilingual mode.
All the best,
Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:
Questions - Preguntas:
1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the last week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana?
2) And what was the best news from the last week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- autobiography, autobiographies = autobiografía, autobiografías
- biggest = más grande
- childhood = niñez, infancia
- commercial = comercial
- defeat = derrota
- economic = económico, económica, económicos, económicas
- economy = economía
- encourage = alentar, estimular
- footbridge = pasarela
- improve = mejorar
- inheritance = patrimonio, herencia
- keep, keeps = mantener, mantiene
- map = mapa
- memoir, memoirs = memoria, memorias
- Muslim = musulmán, musulmana
- permanent = permanente
- propositons = propuestas
- rebuff = desaire, rechazo, rechazar
- rig = plataforma petrolera, torre de perforación
- seat = escaño, asiento
- Seoul = Seul
- South Korea = Corea del Sur
- stock = acción, acciones
- ties = vínculos, lazos
Thanks to Anne, Bob, Erika, John, Mary, Stephanie, and Suzanne for your messages.
This is not a Chinese car. It is a Rolls-Royce decorated by an American artist. Could the Chinese create something similar? Please write your comments in a bilingual mode.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Weekly Bilingual News
Dear Friends:
Hello! Welcome to the weekly communication of the Spanish-English Club with a brief analysis of the main events and news of the last few days to help the members of the Club in your bilingual practice.
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la comunicación semanal del Spanish-English Club con un breve análisis de los principales acontecimientos y noticias de los últimos días para ayudar a los miembros del Club en su práctica bilingüe.
This is the English version of the issue. We suggest you try to rewrite it in Spanish. Later, we will complete the issue with the Spanish part of this Weekly Bilingual News. You can write us for comments and more bilingual vocabulary everytime you need.
¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos a la comunicación semanal del Spanish-English Club con un breve análisis de los principales acontecimientos y noticias de los últimos días para ayudar a los miembros del Club en su práctica bilingüe.
This is the English version of the issue. We suggest you try to rewrite it in Spanish. Later, we will complete the issue with the Spanish part of this Weekly Bilingual News. You can write us for comments and more bilingual vocabulary everytime you need.
On Monday, November 1, a mail bomb exploded in Athens, Greece burning one employee of the mail delivery service of that city. Greek police find more bombs in packages. One was addressed to French president Nicolas Sarkozy.
On Tuesday, November 2, American citizens voted in the midterm election. During the day, the country was waiting the closure of the voting locations to confirm previous polls that showed a bleak outlook for Democrats, with Republicans poised to take back the House of Representatives and gain Senate's seats.
Also on Tuesday, at least 13 car bombs and roadside blasts exploded across Baghdad, killing 76 people. The attacks were against Shiite areas of the city.
On Wednesday, November 3, the results of the midterm election showed an important victory for the Republicans who recovered the House control. Meanwhile, California said "No" to legalizing marijuana.
About this subject we posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "The results of the November's midterm elections are a very good lesson against politicians who didn't listen to the shouting of the people without jobs or homes. The social-economic issues were a flu in 2008 and they are more than a cancer now in 2010. " Domingo A. Trassens
On Friday, November 5, US Labor Department published the October job report with 151,000 new jobs but unemployment rate held steady at 9.6 percent.
About this subject we answered an optimistic article from Wall Street Journal posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "I think your message is more optimistic than the facts show us. From my point of view, we do not have anything to celebrate. The 151,000 jobs created last month doesn't change the landscape. We have fallen very far during the last years for different reasons. Meanwhile our economy hasn't grown enough to produce a strong recovery for employment because during the last decade many US companies moved their factories to China, India, Brazil, Vietnam, and other countries - labor costs are cheaper. From a macro-economic perspective, we have lost our creators of industrial jobs. Without manufacturing plants and big lines of production it will be very difficult to recover our domestic economy despite the dynamic of the services sector. An economic model without factories is like a table without legs." Domingo A. Trassens.
Also on Friday, President Obama began a 10-day trip to Asia that includes India, Indonesia, South Korea, Japan and the conference of the G-20.
In other news, the outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said she wants to be the leader of the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives.
About this subject we posted the following comment for the Journal Community of Wall Street Journal: "I think it will be a serious mistake if the current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues leading the Democrats in the House of Representatives after the big defeat of her party last Tuesday. From my point of view, she should resign her seat as a member of the House. The results of the elections were clearly against her leadership. Humbleness and silence are two patriotic attitudes that the country demands from her now." Domingo A. Trassens
The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week in positive territory. Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 325.59 points or 2.93% to 11444.08. Nasdaq Composite gained 71.57 points, or 2.85% in the same period, to close at 2578.98.
During the last week, on the domestic side, the November's midterm elections was at the top of press and TV debates, and the analysts discussed their results and the next steps from January.
In summary, the week ended with a new political geography and many questions marks about the next two years of the President Obama administration.
What is your summary of the week? What were the most important events from your point of view? Please explain them in a bilingual mode.
All the best,
Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:
Questions - Preguntas:
1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the last week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la última semana?
2) And what was the best news from the last week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la última semana?
Vocabulary - Vocabulario:
- blast = carga explosiva
- bleak = poco prometedor, poca prometedora
- domestic economy = economía interna
- economy = economía
- election = elección - geography = geografía
- macro-economic = macroeconómico
- patriotic = patriótico, patriótica, patrióticos, patrióticas
- voter = votante
Thanks to Bill, Bob, Erika, Jim, John, Mark, Stephanie, and Suzanne for your messages.
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