Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to a new edition of Weekly Bilingual News, the online communication of the Spanish-English Club!

The current issue continues with the style we began to outline in the previous Weekly Bilingual News, focusing key issues through several comments we posted in important online publications during the last few days. All are interesting subjects for your debate and bilingual conversation. The Vocabulary included will help you.

STATUE TO HONOR BILL CLINTON - WSJ Journal Community: Giant statue of Bill Clinton in New York for three-year anniversary of Kosovo's independent. (Jan. 21, 2011) The Journal Community is asking to its members their opinion about a sculpture artist who wants to honor the former two-term U.S. President.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "When somebody talks to me about a sculpture for someone who is alive, I am reminded by my teacher's explanation in the primary school about statues are to honor heroes, leaders, politicians and other figures, who are dead, after they made important contributions for the best of the nation or the humanity. Former President Bill Clinton is alive and still very active. I don't understand why an artist wants to freeze his figure in a sculpture at this moment despite Kosovo, Haiti or other issues." Domingo A. Trassens.

NEW ECONOMIC WINDS - PBS NewsHour Analysis: Obama Presses for an Economy in "Overdrive". (Jan. 21, 2011) This article analyzes some initiatives of President Obama to reactive the economy of the country. On Friday, he named General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt to lead a panel on job creation and economic competitiveness.
PBS Member Comment: "Today, there is not room for ideologies and dreams. It is time to address the country with pragmatism. President Obama has to take the economy with his both hands, very carefully and responsible… The ECONOMY is first priority in running a lot of other political issues in the right way." Domingo A. Trassens

MORE AGILE GOOGLE - WSJ Article: Chief Seeks More Agile Google. (Jan. 21, 2011) This article analyzes important changes Google is planning with the replacement of the current CEO Eric Schmidt by one of the founder of the company, Larry Page.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "I have my doubts Larry Page will make a better job than Eric Schmidt as CEO of Google. Larry has a very good professional background but he never ran a complex company like Google is today. Before Google, Schmidt was chairman and CEO of Novell and important executive of Sun Microsystems during the golden era of this computer company. Today Google needs a strong management experience and a very balanced helm. Can Page handle these responsibilities? We don't know." Domingo A. Trassens, 3 Recommendations.

CHINESE FRIENDSHIP - WSJ Article: Rivals Seek New Balance. (Jan. 19, 2011) This article comments on the summit between President Obama and Chinese President Hu Hintao at the White House, in Washington DC.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "It is very difficult to see the visit of Mr. Hu Hintao like other White House's visitors because the US-Chinese relationships in the last year were hurt by different issues that showed disagreements from both parties. Despite it all, we have to make our differences in a polite way trying to ensure the visit ends with some positive results." Domingo A. Trassens, 1 Recommendation.

APPLE VULNERABILITY - WSJ Journal Community Question: Can Apple succeed without Steve Jobs at the helm? (Jan. 19, 2011) The Journal Community commented CEO Steve Jobs is taking a new medical leave for his cancer problems. Jobs is like a hero for the Apple's fans because his innovative ideas changed the technology industry during the last decade.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: " In the previous medical leave of Steve Jobs, Apple Computer worked very well showing maturity as a company and discipline in its plans and executions. I think the current conditions are better than before. Apple can go beyond its visionary leader. Don't worry!" Domingo A. Trassens, 1 Recommendation.

The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week with mixed results. Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 84.46 points or 0.72% to 11871.84. Nasdaq Composite declined 65.76 points, or 2.39% in the same period, to close at 2689.84.

In summary, the week was very intense in the political and business arenas. First, the visit of the Chinese President Hu Jintao to Washington generated important analysis of the relationships between the Big Asian Dragon and the United States. After that, the press followed the first signs President Obama plans new efforts to reactive the economy. Also two leading technology companies – Apple and Google - shared the headlines of the papers with crucial decisions that can shake their respective futures. Apple today is the second more valuable company in the US economy after Exxon and before Microsoft.

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?

1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?

2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- alive = vivo
- analysis = análisis
- analyze, analyzing = analizar, analizando
- artist = artista
- balanced = balanceado, equilibrado
- beyond = más allá de
- crucial = decisivo, crucial
- dead = muerto
- doubts = dudas
- dragon = dragón
- ensure = asegurar
- execution = ejecución, realización
- fans = fanáticos
- freeze = congelar, helar, convertir un una barra de hielo o de materia
- golden = dorada
- handle = manejar
- helm = timón
- hurt = hacer daño, dañar, lastimar
- medical leave = licencia médica, licencia por enfermedad, licencia por problemas de salud
 - panel = panel (In Spanish the accent syllable is "nel". It is the same word than in English but with a different pronunciation).
- parties = partidos
- pragmatism = pragmatismo
- replacement = reemplazo, cambio 
- room = espacio
- sculpture = escultura
- shake, shaking, shook = sacudir, sacudiendo, sacudió
- signs = señales, rastros
 statue = estatua
- summit = cumbre
- visit = visita


Thanks to Bill, Bob, Carol, Erika, George, Mary, Peter, Suzanne for your messages.

Jobless pragmatism:  Ask for food, eat

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to an online communication of the Spanish-English Club with several comments we posted in online publications during the last few days.

The current Weekly Bilingual News continues with the style we began to outline during the last weeks and focusing key issues that are interesting subjects for your debate and bilingual conversation. The Vocabulary included will help you.

CHINESE AGENDA – PBS NewsHour Report: U.S. Turns to China for 'Real Action' on North Korea, Other Issues (Jan. 14, 2011). This article explains the message from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to China before the visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao who will meet President Obama in the White House during the next week.
PBS Member Comment: "Chinese President Hu Jintao comes to the US to move his own agenda showing to the world he talks with his rival, but I don't expect the summit with President Obama will produce real action on real issues like climate change, recession and North Korean nuclear proliferation. He needs his "pictures" with Obama in the White House for his own future as a world leader and for his internal political revaluation in front the other top figures of the Communist Party." Domingo A. Trassens.

ARAB TURMOIL - PBS NewsHour Report: Massive Protests in Tunisia Push President to Flee. (Jan. 14, 2011) This article describes Tunisian turmoil that forced President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali to leave his country after 23 years ruling the North African nation with Arab population.
PBS Member Comment: "Tunisia goes to the streets after 23 years of being ruled by the same leader. First question: Why has the population waited more than 20 years to yell for revolution? Second question: Will the country institute a democracy or another dictatorship regime?" Domingo A. Trassens

SORROW SHAKING - WSJ Article: Obama's Speech Wins Over Critics. (Jan. 14, 2011) This article analyzes the President Obama's remarks at the memorial service for the victims of the shooting in Tucson, Arizona. Despite some critics, important political analysts applauded the speech.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "Every time the President of the Nation speaks in public, his speech becomes a political issue. President Obama at the memorial service in Tucson showed also feelings that normally he doesn't share with the citizens of the country. Surely, the sorrow of all who lost somebody in the shooting shook him too. Great! We are human beings after all!!".Domingo A. Trassens

VERIZON AND AT&T WITH THE SAME GUN - WSJ Article: Verizon Wireless to Offer iPhone 4 in February. (Jan. 12, 2011) This article comments on the plans of Verizon Wireless to sell Apple's smart-phones till now sold exclusively by AT&T in the domestic market of the United States.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "The introduction of iPhone by Verizon Wireless will be an important event because now on the US biggest telecommunication providers must improve their offering to gain the fidelity of the Apple's fans. Additionally, the competition will stimulate new advanced services for smart-phones." Domingo A. Trassens

The main indexes of Wall Street closed the week higher than the previous one. Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 112.62 points or 0.96% to 11787.38. Nasdaq Composite gained 52.13 points, or 1.93% in the same period, to close at 2755.30.

In summary, the week was full of the Arizona's shooting on January 8 producing a lot of scenes of pain, hate, and an extensive analysis about what are the implications of mental illnesses and guns. At the end of the seven days, two new subjects refocused the headlines of the press: Tunisia turmoil and the new summit of President Obama and President Hu Jintao, next weekin Washington DC.

What is your summary of the week? What were the most important events from your point of view? Please explain them in a bilingual mode.

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?

1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?

2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- action = acción
- analysis = análisis
- analyze, analyzing = analizar, analizando
- Arab = árabe
- climate change = cambio de clima
- democracy = democracia
- dictatorship = dictadura
- domestic market = mercado interno
- fans = fanáticos
- fidelity = fidelidad
- figures = figuras, personalidades, personas importantes
- guns = armas, armas de fuego
- hate = odio
- issue = asunto, tema
- meet = encontrar, reunirse
- mental illnesses = enfermedades mentales
- North Korean = norcoreano, norcoreana, norcoreanos, norcoreanas
- pictures = fotos
- recession = recesión
- rule, ruled = gobernar, gobernó
- share = compartir
- shake, shaking, shook = sacudir, sacudiendo, sacudió
- shooting = tiroteo
- smart-phones = teléfonos inteligentes
- sorrow = pena, dolor
- stimulate = estimular
- summit = cumbre
- terror = terror
- Tunis = Túnez
- Tunisia = Túnez
- Tunisian = tunecino, tunecina, tunecinos, tunecinas
- turmoil = desorden, alboroto
- visit = visita
- yell = gritar


Thanks to Anne, Bob, Harold, Jim, John, Lilly, Marie, Stephanie and Susy your messages

 Tunisia: New Arab turmoil
(by courtesy of US Secretary of State)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to an online communication of the Spanish-English Club with several comments we posted in online publications during the last few days.

The current Weekly Bilingual News is not any longer than other times, but here you have interesting subjects for your debate and bilingual conversation. The Vocabulary included will help you.

TERROR - WSJ Article: Gunman Described Himself as a "Terrorist" (Jan. 9, 2011). This article explains the gunman Loughner armed with a semiautomatic pistol shot 19 people in Arizona including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a 40-year old Tucson Democrat.
WSJ Journal Community Comments: "Please America opens your eyes! How many more crimes do we need to realize the "roots" of terrorism are growing in our own backyards? How much blood of innocent people do we need for rethinking what is "terror" and "terrorism"? It is time we embrace the spirit of our Constitution to recreate the country like the Fathers of the Nation thought." Domingo A. Trassens. 3 Recommendations

AFRICA - PBS NewsHour Report: In Sudanese State of Unity, Mood Foreshadows Secession. (Jan. 7, 2011) Report about the voting on Jan. 9 in South Sudan, where the population for the first time has the possibility to vote for the splitting from the North dictatorship regime that killed thousands and thousands of people of rich oil region of the south during long years.
Member Comment: "After all that South Sudan suffered under the dictatorship of the regime of the north, it is a good news, its population have the opportunity to decide their own destiny. We have to hope they don't make any mistake." Domingo A. Trassens.

JOBS - WSJ Article: Obama Says Economy Moving in Right Direction. (Jan. 7, 2011) This article explains about the December's official unemployment rate declined from 9.6% to 9.4%. The President applauded the fall of the rate.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "Every month President Obama says the economy is moving in the right direction but after that he adds the "move" is slow. Meanwhile, we don't see strong efforts to reverse the current gloomy panorama." Domingo A. Trassens.

INTERNET - WSJ Article: Facebook Sets Stage for IPO Next Year. (Jan. 6, 2011) This article explaines Facebook is planning to offer its common stock to the public during 2012.
WSJ Journal Community Comment: "Be careful! Till now Facebook is a beautiful multicolor balloon raising higher thanks to its founder, a magic creator of new fantasies. But does Facebook have the foundation to be a Google or Microsoft of a new era?" Domingo A. Trassens. 9 Recommendations

Best regards,


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the week?
1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia de la semana?

2) And what was the best news from the week?
2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia de la semana?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- backyard = traspatio
- balloon = globo
- be careful! = ¡tenga cuidado!, ¡tengan cuidado!
- courtyard = patio
- destiny = destino
- dictatorship = dictadura
- fantasy, fantasies = fantasía, fantasías
- foreshadow = prefigurar, anunciar
- innocent = inocente
- mood = humor
- population = población
- rate = índice
- regime = régimen
- reverse = invertir, mover in dirección opuesta
- terrorism = terrorismo


Thanks to Bob,Erika, Harold, Mark, Stephanie and Suzanne for your messages.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weekly Bilingual News

Dear Friends:

Hello! Welcome to an online communication of the Spanish-English Club with several comments we posted in online publications during the last few days.

Due to professional compromises and personal requirements, we have only time to write a short Weekly Bilingual News, but here you have interesting subjects for your debate and bilingual conversation. The Vocabulary included will help you.

WSJ Journal Community Question: Has the recession led your company to postpone an IPO? (Dec. 28, 2010)
Journal Community Answer: "Worse, the recession is pushing me to stop any new business project." Domingo A. Trassens. 

WSJ Journal Community Question: Where will crude oil be by April 2011? (Dec. 29, 2010)
Journal Community Answer: "The economic reactivation will push the crude oil prices up because during the last few years our government didn’t at least make one positive initiative to increase the normal production. If in this gloomy economic environment of today the barrel goes over $90, any small demand will increase the barrel price. Basic economy!" Domingo A. Trassens.

WSJ  Journal Community Question: Where will unemployment be at the end of 2011? (Dec. 30, 2010)
Journal Community Answer: "Now nobody has a crystal ball to make the right prediction. It looks the Government doesn’t have any idea how to address the job issue for the right move and Congress has other priorities. Everybody will hope to maintain that rate under 10%." Domingo A. Trassens.

WSJ  Journal Community Question: Will you make a New Year’s resolution for 2011? Tell us about it. (Dec. 31, 2010)
Journal Community Answer:  "I will fight with all my energies to avoid dieing in the street. " Domingo A. Trassens.

Now our question to all of you: Did you make a New Year’s resolution too? Please share your resolution with the other members of the Club. Thank you.

Ahora nuestra pregunta para todos ustedes: ¿Tomaron ustedes resoluciones para Año Nuevo también? Por favor, compartan sus resoluciones con los otros miembros del Club. ¡Muchas Gracias!

Happy New Year! / ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!


Domingo A. Trassens
Spanish-English Club
Electronic mail:

Questions - Preguntas:

1) From your point of view, what was the worst news for the last year?

1) Desde vuestro punto de vista, ¿cuál fue la peor noticia del último año?

2) And what was the best news from the last year?

2) ¿Y cuál fue la mejor noticia del último año?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario:

- at least = al menos, por lo menos
- demand = demanda 
- duck, ducks = pato, patos
- crystal ball = bola de cristal
- gloomy = oscuro, triste, pesimista
- IPO (Initial Public Offering) = oferta inicial en el mercado público de Wall Street
- New Year = Año Nuevo
- oil crude = petróleo crudo
- postpone = aplazar, posponer
- prediction = predicción
- reactivation = reactivación
- recession = recesión
- resolution = resolución  
- under = bajo
- worse = peor
- year = año 


Thanks to Bev, Bob, Erika, Joseph, Louis, Mary, Nelson, and Stephanie for your messages.

Every year, these ducks make the same New Year's resolution: to love each other and swim together enjoying the beautiful Nature.